Prefinished Screening.

There's nothing quite like Prefinished Screening.

Weathertex is an eco-friendly hardwood board sourced from Australia. When paired with Outdeco screen designs, Prefinished™ Screening is an excellent solution for transforming living spaces into private retreats. 


It can be matched with any Colourbond colour and comes with a 10-year material warranty and 15-year coating warranty. We offer a variety of popular designs and colours that are readily available for shipping.

Why use Prefinished?

Are you having trouble finding reliable and skilled painters? Do you worry about the quality of work they do? Are you looking to reduce the number of tradespeople and on-site access hire? Do you want to shorten construction times and achieve better quality products and finishes? If these are the questions that keep popping up in your mind, then Prefinished™ has got you covered.

Prefinished™ is introducing prefinished building materials to Australia, bringing you the world of construction in a whole new way. While these materials are not new, we are revolutionizing the building and construction industry by eliminating the need for multiple tradespeople on-site in most cases.

No waiting on painting contractors.

Easy ordering.

Available NOW. Fast Delivery.

Not just a screen, but an architectural delight.

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Ordering is easy, just get in touch to speak with a prefinished specialist!

Frequently Asked Questions

Prefinished Timber is a type of outdoor timber product made from renewable CCA treated pine, coated with a 3-coat Dulux system for enhanced longevity and style.
It offers several advantages including a 15-year Dulux film integrity, easy maintenance, super-fast installation, and being coated on all surfaces for maximum longevity.
Yes, there are a variety of traditional and contemporary colors available, pre-coated on all sides, including options for dual colors to suit individual styles and preferences.
The timber used is sourced from forests managed according to FSC’s social and environmental standards, and the company, Enekor Pty Ltd, is a certified Dulux Industrial applicator with over 30 years of experience in the coating application industry.
Prefinished Timber requires minimal maintenance. A simple hose down every six months is sufficient to keep the pergola looking as good as new.


Leaders in industry, aligning with quality suppliers. Our products are unsurpassed.